Two years later, with all the defendants free on bail, an appellate court, citing prejudicial conduct by Judge Hoffman, voided the convictions for inciting to riot.
Citing conduct detrimental to the team, the Eagles (4-4) suspended Owens last week and insisted that he would not return when the four-game suspension ended.
Citing unprofessional conduct over the NAME account, ironically enough.
For his actions throughout this time, Statton was later awarded the Military Medal, the recommendation of which cited his "exceptional fine work and gallant conduct".
In another case, a referral cited abusive conduct by a government employee but did not include the names of witnesses or victims or where they lived.
The S.E.C. suspended Texscan trading, citing possible "manipulative conduct."
In throwing out the conviction, a Federal appeals court cited improper conduct by both the judge and prosecutor during the trial.
Her husband cited "illicit conduct" during the divorce proceedings.
But late in December that year, the F.D.A. turned down ImClone's application, citing faulty design and conduct of its clinical trial.
Another contemporary author cited "outrageous conduct" in which the passengers, some of whom were Polish Jews, were