Even more New Yorkers, 31 percent, cited crime as their chief complaint about living in the city.
Seventeen percent identified the economy and jobs as the most important issue, followed by 13 percent citing crime and violence.
Sixty-three percent cited crime or drugs as the two top issues, while homelessness, cited by 10 percent, ranked third.
They also cite high crime and black economic empowerment (BEE) policies as reasons for leaving.
Over the same period, the combined number of people who cited crime, violence or guns as the top problems has risen from 2 percent to 20 percent.
He cited Superfund legislation, local education and juvenile crime as among the most promising topics.
He has cited various violent crime committed by juveniles who played video games to support his position.
She cited crime in the schools, dropout rates and hiring guidelines that she said had encouraged patronage.
Respondents cited education, crime and housing as issues that should be the top priorities of city government.
Police officials have often cited common crime to explain for past attacks against human rights workers.