The group cites damage to visual resources, and impacts on desert species.
They cited environmental damage that "could cause negative impacts to marsh vegetation for years to decades."
The society also cited inadequate groundskeeping, improper maintenance and damage by movie film crews as contributing to this decline.
Coastal communities resisted the imposition of a blackout for amenity reasons, citing potential damage to tourism.
The reason was higher energy costs, the company said, though Lyondell also cited damage from Hurricane Rita.
Everywhere, manicurists said, "Nuh-uh," citing potential long-term damage to my compromised hands.
To the dismay of some, the marquee was replaced in 2010, citing irreparable damage, though portions have been incorporated into its replacement.
Reports cited damage of around $10,000.
A buildings complaint cited damage to a parapet and the roof.
He has opposed the expansion of a border fence, citing cost effectiveness concerns and potential damage to sensitive wildlife habitats.