All of them were cited by Steinmann in his book, The Animal Kingdom.
My evidence for this conclusion is based on extensive archival research and numerous interviews, all duly cited in my book.
A test of 140,000 youngsters, cited in my book, showed that literature-based reading methods fail 60 percent of children.
The public realm was a realm where true freedom could be gained, a view first expressed by Aristotle, whom Arendt cites often in her book.
Many of the situations he cites in his book are from court cases in which judges ruled on Federal agencies' regulations.
Oddly, of the many historical examples cited in his book, Mr. Muensterberger skips over one that would appear to be significant.
A 2002 Berlin Senate report (cited in her book) documented hundreds of complaints of forced marriage.
An example Lessig cites in his book, Free Culture, is photography.
There are many more examples, which I cite in my book, "A Walker in Jerusalem."
Krog does not cite this evidence of casual amnesia in her book.