Meanwhile, the baseball umpires said they were going to be ejecting players quicker this year, citing "total anarchy" in recent years.
He particularly cited intense competition from the United Parcel Service in recent years.
But late last month, citing lack of participation in recent years, the board of governors voted to cancel the parade.
The film opened to critical acclaim and has commonly been cited as one of Allen's best films in recent years.
He cited coal mine disasters and consumer safety scandals in recent years that have embarrassed China.
Those same gaps have been cited repeatedly in recent years by critics who say the system encourages buck-passing.
He cited the increase in anti-Semitism worldwide in recent years as generating a "need to understand the current manifestation of this disease".
The 1976 article was often cited in later years because it proved to be such a reliable road map to the Rehnquist philosophy.
He cited new assertions in recent years that the Amendment's history shows it was intended to guarantee individuals such rights.
This plus an increased demand put up sales of certified to around 50% in 2003 with a figure of 37% commonly cited in recent years.