She cited lower interest rates and strength on Wall Street as having helped make the difference.
Washington Mutual Inc., one of the nation's largest mortgage lenders, sharply lowered its earnings estimates yesterday, citing rising interest rates and bloated expenses.
He cites low interest rates, which made stocks an attractive investment, as the impetus for the 500-point surge.
They also cite high interest rates and inefficient, Government-run airports as reasons for their heavy costs.
They cite higher interest rates, which discourage companies and individuals from borrowing and spending money.
Most economists do not expect home prices to fall significantly, citing low interest rates and the continued influx of immigrants.
More than half the offers cited interest rates in the 3.9 to 5.9 percent range, but those usually applied only to balances transferred from other cards.
Microfinance critics often cite high interest rates as a major drawback.
When critics cite high interest rates, they should be aware that these services are often included 'in the price'.
- Your Money says credit card costs continue to travel north, citing interest rates that run 17 percent and higher.