Wonkette also cited polls showing how little the public knows about the Supreme Court.
He cited polls with "amazing results," indicating "that I'd win, or do very well."
Major news organizations regularly cite polls giving the Sandinistas a lead.
The later article cited interviews and polls showing that while Americans' support for the penalty is eroding, a majority still favor it.
He cites polls showing that if taxes have to go up, voters are usually more sympathetic to "sin taxes."
"Public opinion" can be self-fulfilling if the same leaders then justify their plans by citing polls.
In today's debate, they repeatedly cited polls showing that the public strongly favored the ban.
For many years, partisans on each side of the abortion issue have cited polls purporting to show that the public took their view.
The aides cite recent polls with opposite findings.
Immediately, upon taking office, Turner called a snap election, citing favourable internal polls.