Other state attorneys general have cited similar practices in bringing lawsuits against some nonprofit providers.
Turner cites anatomical studies, botany, and old religious practices as her greatest influences.
He also cited "shallow case and investigative practices" as other weaknesses.
A month later, it discontinued service to Canada's west coast, citing "predatory practices from Air Canada" as the cause.
Those who favor the new laws cite practices that have turned patients out of inhumane hospitals and onto even crueler alleys.
As early as 1993, the accrediting agency cited poor financial practices in placing the college on probation for a year.
Investors cite lax and abusive practices by Russian companies as a major deterrent to investing in Russia.
Yet, the regulators cited questionable practices at the Massachusetts branch of one of the firms whose Atlanta office was one of the murder scenes.
The second cites "Israeli apartheid policies including construction of the exclusion wall, and discriminatory educational practices."
But Edmondson cited several practices he believed preferable to the Mets' way of doing things.