The colonel cited signs of progress.
The committee cited "disturbing signs" that that some pre-existing safety problems identified in the aftermath of the accident still exist.
A1 Pakistan is preparing for an underground nuclear test, American officials said, citing clear signs from spy satellites and foreign agents.
Like other economists in this camp, Mr. Sinai cites numerous signs that the economy has lost its momentum.
Her backers cite other hopeful signs for Ms. Pirro.
"My last three starts, I've thrown the ball well," he said, citing positive signs that he felt should not be obscured by defeat.
Citing upbeat signs like the strong stock market and relatively healthy consumer sales, some analysts are forecasting a quick rebound.
They also cited signs of Taziyeh influence in recent events.
She cites other telltale signs of change.
The group did cite signs of progress, noting that there were fewer "mass investigations" and criminal prosecutions last year.