Council members cited the $6 million share of the cost, uncertainty over the plan's effectiveness, and public opposition.
But, citing uncertainty surrounding the issue, the study report said the health risk was speculative at this time.
The group had already canceled the meeting it would have held this spring, citing uncertainties brought on by the investigation.
The airline suspended all flights from 16 July 2008, citing political uncertainty.
Beyond the end of September, he could give no guidance, citing uncertainty stemming from the investigation.
The operator has postponed major spending on the mines, citing political uncertainty.
It declined to place a value on the options, citing uncertainty about the prices for the aircraft in the 1990's.
Researchers say predicting future water usage for drilling is tough, citing economic and technological uncertainties.
The Ontario government has since suspended the acquisition process citing the cost and uncertainty surrounding the companies future ownership (discussed below).
Although they have all the necessary permits, developers of both properties, citing financial uncertainty, have backed off for now.