James notes that Thomas is keen to prove the truth of his version of events by citing witnesses to build up a consistent account.
Prosecutors initially charged the gang member with nine murders but dropped six charges before the trial began citing unreliable witnesses.
The Report also cited witnesses who obstructed and hindered its work over the prior five years.
A powerful blast rocked the area at around 10 p.m., and the Israeli media cited witnesses who reported hearing a second explosion as well.
The radio cited witnesses who said he was shot by a bearded man who had stepped from a car.
Rescue workers, citing witnesses, said the sound of cracking wood could be heard inside the building shortly before the collapse.
The militants escaped unharmed but at least two people nearby were injured, the news agency said, citing witnesses.
She was shot by her brother, The Associated Press reported, citing witnesses.
Independent newspaper Al-Wasat reported the cause of death as a simple traffic accident and cited witnesses.
They also cited witnesses who described the car passing through a red light and veering sharply into the crowded pickup point.