Thousands wrote to the network in protest, a burst of citizen activism not often seen in a country where people tend to defer to higher authority.
Yet nobody in public life believed more deeply in the concept of citizen activism, or did more to make it a reality, than John Gardner.
As of 2012 there is increased citizen activism regarding government decisions which are perceived as being environmentally damaging.
Partly as a result of citizen activism, the city bought the building.
The book is about citizen activism and the role of public charity and public service in the modern world.
He called the outcome "the happy result of a good mix of citizen activism and government responsibility that we don't get very often."
Founded in Chicago in 2006, the group describes itself as a "fiercely independent organization dedicated to inspiring and encouraging grass-roots citizen activism."
The Sam Adams Alliance was founded to inspire and cultivate citizen activism.
Begun in 2007, the Sammies is an annual national awards program that honors outstanding achievements in citizen activism.
I unequivocally respond that without citizen activism, we would not be where we are today.