German citizens were required to register with the federal government and carry their registration cards at all times.
The nation suffered 35 years of totalitarian repression, and its citizens still carry the scars.
Indeed, many citizens also carry private medical insurance to supplement the National Health coverage.
The issue has resurfaced this spring in the form of a proposal to allow citizens to carry concealed weapons.
Most French citizens also carry private health insurance in order to cover all co-payment charges.
And in the pockets of his clothes our citizen carries money.
If anything, the debate in Arizona is on whether more citizens should carry weapons, and be ready to use them, to protect public safety.
The measure will probably not include a provision to allow citizens to carry concealed weapons.
American citizens planning on driving to Mexico should carry a valid driver's license at all times.
Now our work on this proposal is presented as an attempt to force citizens to carry umbrellas.