The radio also quoted a second party document saying other citizens employed by the state would be permitted to resign from the party.
To gain a city status in Russia, cities population must be over 12.000 people, and number of citizens, employed in agricultural industry should be less than 15%.
Federal courts have been divided over whether the statute also implicitly exempts coverage for American citizens employed overseas.
Spanish Consul Jaime Ruiz del Árbol also died in the fire, along with other Spanish citizens employed by the embassy.
But only 6 of the 364 Soviet citizens employed by the United Nations have accepted permanent posts so far.
All Soviet citizens employed at the embassy, including maids and drivers, were dismissed.
Further prosecutions against Ivorian citizens not employed by Trafigura continued.
Yet those responsible for the terrorist attacks in London were British citizens, British-born, employed in jobs that many people would have been glad to have!
We simply had to tackle the problems faced by 12 million citizens directly employed in this sector.
During daytime, common citizens employed on the project would construct the building.