The purpose of their creation is to allow citizens to engage in sexual intercourse for pleasure without the need for contraception.
Other citizens, and private companies most importantly, engage in far more threatening activities, especially since the automated processing of data became widespread.
"My goal is to set the standard that if the average citizen engaged in like conduct they would have severe legal consequences."
Lessig asks citizens to engage congress, the president and the constitution.
Citizen Corps encourages citizens to engage in a number of activities to help prepare themselves and their communities:
The idea that average citizens can engage in the act of journalism has a long history in the United States.
Found at these malls are most of the uses and activities citizens engage in outside their homes.
Our vision is to help American citizens engage the world.
He is a permanent resident and respected senior citizen of Khatangi engaged in social services.
The idea is that citizens should play a more direct roles in public decision-making or at least engage more deeply with political issues.