The decision was a response to a suit filed by a group of citizens led by Bogota's mayor, Steve Lonegan.
Some senior citizens of the El Centro Hotel, led by its manager, Valerie Schlafke, organized, too.
In 1620 the citizens, led by Giacomo Robustelli, killed 180 Protestants and declared the independence of the Valtellina.
After Brady's, citizens led by local gun shop owner Andy Fairton (Smitrovich) form a vigilante justice group.
The citizens of Erie, led by the mayor, set fire to bridges, ripped up track, and in general did everything imaginable to thwart standardization.
Various dead citizens, led by a former town councillor, ask Johnny, the only person who can see them, to help stop it.
At the same time, plans for the school were made with the assistance of concerned citizens led by Eduardo Kang Tan, Sr.
The camp opened in 1912 with funds provided by a group of generous citizens led by Colonel E.A. Whitehead.
In 1983, a group of local citizens led by Mrs. Selma Hill raised $15,000 to move the building, that it was determined the for would be preserved.
A group of concerned citizens led by local merchant Dorothea Macbeth gathered in 1976 to discuss how to save the building.