The citizens petitioned for their rights to the Russian Senate.
Under the administration plan, citizens could still petition the wildlife service with endangered-species requests, and to file suit in attempts to force action.
Venezuelan citizens between the age of 18 and 25 or who head a family may petition to benefit from the Plan's land redistribution programs.
Instead, 300 citizens living within a certain number of square miles could petition and hold an election.
In recent years, local citizens have petitioned the government to move this expressway underground.
In 1902, citizens petitioned for a bond and tax election to be held for the purpose of constructing a public school building.
By the spring of 1729 the citizens of Philadelphia were petitioning to be allowed to build a state house.
At this time, citizens petitioned for incorporation, and on January 4, 1898, the county commissioners granted their request.
And, the citizens petitioned to have the town dissolved for a multitude of reasons, including high taxes; the petition failed.
It closed in 1956, but was such a landmark that local citizens successfully petitioned the state to preserve it.