For two months, over 20,000 citizens from all districts of the country submitted applications to join the Liberal Democratic Party.
The movement is gaining momentum as citizens in several states have already submitted petitions calling for a convention.
In general, any citizen can submit comments on rules FDA proposes.
How many citizens would automatically submit to public demands that innocent youths be turned into bloodied pulp?
Riders and other citizens submitted more than 2,000 statements about the need for affordable and more frequent service.
Any citizen considering himself wronged in one of these areas may submit it as a matter of course.
During the anthrax scare of 2001, he said, nervous citizens submitted 600,000 specimens of white powder to public laboratories.
Some 300 organizations, experts and citizens submitted their opinions in writing or in person during the hearings.
German and Spanish citizens submit by far the largest number of petitions.
Trying to speed up this process, which all prospective citizens necessarily submit to, must surely be described as special treatment for the runner.