While some people swim in the river, many Iraqi citizens still view it as a place to avoid.
Taken together, these two disasters, both of which shook the nation, provided a case study in how citizens should view their government: with extreme skepticism.
Some citizens viewed skateboarding activity differently than the city.
I'm sure that the citizens of Spain will consent to such an amnesty and view it as a good thing, albeit with some distaste.
Montegrano's citizens viewed their village life as little more than a battleground.
Not all citizens view the campaign in a positive light.
Most Chinese citizens do not view the embryo as containing any inherent moral value.
Ordinary citizens in Iraq even viewed the new president with cautious optimism.
It generates only a small amount of money, and senior citizens will view it as a first step in the wrong direction.
I do not know how our Terrestrial citizens will view this problem.