In the 2010 municipal elections, the city accounted 12,504 registered voters.
Together with Temara the cities account for a combined metropolitan population of 1.8 million.
The city accounted for 13,002 of those arrests, or almost 9 out of 10.
The city also accounts for more than 90% of the country's agate products.
Together, the base and the city accounted for two thirds of the world's population.
Together, these 17 cities accounted for more than a quarter of the nation's 15,600 homicides in 1999.
The five cities working with the consultants together account for more than 600,000 people, nearly one-fifth the state's population.
Within 20 years, the situation was reversed; the cities and towns accounted for two-thirds of the population.
In 1808 the city accounted only for some 45 courts with 550 residents.
Those three cities alone account for 27.9 percent of the total student enrollment in the state.