However, the city did achieve a very high level of pedestrian walkability.
His budget also relies heavily on $800 million in revenues that the city can achieve only if the state and federal governments take action.
The city of Chihuahua has achieved great advances in human and social development.
As a result, the city is increasing in population density, but also achieving improved air quality.
In 2005, the city achieved record levels of jobs, visitors, population, and the greatest number of housing starts since the 1960s.
People actually take pride in what their cities achieve through the electorate's access to whatever is on offer.
The city has also achieved a considerable amount of corporate recruitment and retention.
In the south of France, other cities achieved as much independence by slow, steady accumulation.
The city has achieved a fine record in architectural preservation, and the value of this should not be underestimated.
The city achieved an average economic growth rate of 12.5% during 2001-2005 period.