The city completed one thousand years of its existence in 1989.
In 1554 the city began the construction of the present church, but did not complete it.
By the end of 1984, 241 cities and 1,071 counties throughout the nation as a whole completed their master plans.
The city also started and completed a 500,000-gallon water tower project.
The city completed the work and the first baseball game was held here in April 1901.
The city completed these plans on schedule for the summer of 2011.
With the return of the Austrians in 1815, the city completed its cultural and economic success.
Or perhaps you noticed the city finally completed that running trail right across the street from your office building.
In 2007, the city completed a study for the development of the park.
The $50 million first phase is expected to begin in May 1999 after the city completes its environmental review process.