The city, Canada's fourth largest, with a population of about 660,000, enforces a strict building code for the market area.
The question becomes how well will the city and state enforce it.
The city has been increasingly enforcing park curfews as part of the crackdown.
"The city should enforce against new illegal conversion because, if it turns its back, we're going to see the same problems."
For decades, the city did not enforce many of its regulations.
The city, though, does not enforce immigration laws, which are under Federal jurisdiction.
He said the city simply enforced the law made in Albany, which does not allow such unions.
Some commissaries have had safety problems of their own, but the city can at least inspect them and enforce its health standards.
The assertion that the city has not successfully enforced the law is inaccurate.
The purpose of the complaint by the residents was so that the city would enforce the speed ordinance.