The city was incorporated in 1969 with a population of around 1,000.
The city was incorporated in 1884, at which time it had over 1000 people.
The post office began in 1892 and the city was incorporated as a village on June 17, 1911.
The city was incorporated in 1927 with a population of about 900.
Many of the families have been there since the city was incorporated.
The city was incorporated and changed to its current name in 1859.
The city was incorporated in 1903, and had a population of 185 at the 1910 census.
The city was incorporated in 1890 with a population of 621.
Under its new name the city was incorporated on April 6, 1886.
A small community developed around the area, and in 1904, a city was incorporated by a general vote of the community's 300 residents.