Aberdeen have no geographically close rivals; their nearest neighbours at the same level are in the city of Dundee.
Scotland gained its first ever world champion in chess, Paul Motwani from the city of Dundee.
Both clubs are based yards apart in the city of Dundee, the fourth-largest city in Scotland.
This area is well populated, with the larger towns and the city of Dundee on the coast.
The Scottish city of Dundee has a long association with marmalade.
While company literature explains the origin of the company name, it is unclear why the company was named after the city of Dundee.
Wave 102 is a radio station broadcasting to the city of Dundee in Scotland.
Notable gains were the cities of Aberdeen, Dundee and Glasgow.
The small Scottish city of Dundee is not the kind of place to have ...
Blackness is an area of the city of Dundee.