This was going to be a city operation and even though it was dark, he didn't want to be recognized.
So many, in fact, that Schnicktick, for the simple sake of the city operation, had to limit the number to fifteen score.
She said most city operations were just told to wait out the blackouts.
She oversees the municipal budget and city operations in Los Angeles.
The City Mayor is the senior public official and also the director of city operations.
Most of the buses were transferred to the city operation.
If the city were forced to create the office, it would mean less money for other city operations in a time of tight budgets.
He said he would get the $4.3 million to pay for it by finding savings in other city operations.
The commission appoints a city manager who serves as chief executive for city operations.
Missing the deadline, however, would have no effect on city operations because the new fiscal year does not start until July 1.