To the elderly, he will talk about his success at getting cost-of-living increases for city pensions.
He had never been rich, and his eight years as mayor left him seven short of qualifying for a city pension under rules then in effect.
And not incidentally, it would allow him to continue working toward a full city pension.
But he will need to go further, and work for a ban on donations to comptroller candidates by asset managers who deal with city pensions.
Since Mr. Golden is also eligible to collect a sizable city pension, his total income could top $200,000.
That does not seem to bother Mr. Washington, 61, who said he lives off a city pension.
Many of them will end up doing what they already do - but in the suburbs, at higher pay, while collecting a city pension.
The Mayor reversed himself because the cut would reduce city pensions, which are based on earnings.
It's good for a four-year term and that's how much more city service he needs to qualify for a full city pension.
He wants to win a clear mandate and if possible, stay long enough to qualify for a city pension in October, or leave town.