"The city could reap economic development benefits by helping to foster businesses around recycling."
The developers say the city will reap other benefits because the project will produce $1.5 million in property taxes and up to 250 permanent jobs.
If each of the 250,000 honkers merely paid the minimum fine, $220, the city would reap more than $50 million.
"Nonetheless, we believe that it is now time to move on so that the city can reap the benefits of this agreement."
Even if the banks are not yet hiring again - and some of the largest say they are not - the city is reaping benefits.
At the same time, economists continue to cast doubt on the monetary benefits cities reap from new playing fields.
Still, the city will reap handsome new tax revenues, reflecting the real value of this remarkable site.
The city reaped millions of dollars from the tourists who flocked here.
He needs to show sceptics that they, and the city, will reap long-term benefits.
In addition, cities and states reaped substantial tax revenues, and so did the Federal Government.