If a city does not resist me, I do not destroy it.
But the state is proposing to take over the maintenance and operation again, a move the city has been resisting.
At first, the city, the building's owner, resisted, but two years ago it offered free use of the building for Halloween and winter events.
As this book was going to press, the pastor informed me that the city is still resisting the church's efforts.
But the city has resisted all efforts to produce a housing remedy.
The city resisted occupation for the majority of the war.
The city resisted for longer than expected, but finally surrendered on 22 September.
The city had earlier resisted the creation of such a commission.
School officials introduced an integration plan that is in its second year, but the city has resisted housing proposals.
But the city has resisted adopting a plan to integrate its neighborhoods by building new public housing.