Does the city restrict or monitor these eyesores?
Many cities have restricted use of the machines.
In the past several years many cities around the country have restricted smoking in restaurants, offices, public buildings and taxis.
In other words, legal experts say, a city cannot unreasonably restrict people's access to adult material if they want it.
But proponents of the bill noted that the city already restricted some rights of elected officials, like their ability to hold posts in political parties.
There is no regular vehicle ferry service to Avalon, however, since the city restricts the use of cars and trucks within its borders.
It was agreed that to protect the new airport, each city would restrict its own passenger-service airports from air-carrier operations.
It claims, for example, that the city "cannot totally restrict referrals by age."
Many cities give bicycles and trains more space and restrict the freedom of cars.
The city restricted the program to 1 percent of its students, and families had to earn less than $23,000 for a family of four to qualify.