The move comes after both city and state standardized tests have shown a decline in achievement among city schoolchildren.
The decision was the result of a long-pending lawsuit by parents and educators that charged the state with shortchanging city schoolchildren for decades.
The study also provides a rare window onto the mental health of city schoolchildren before Sept. 11.
At best, that means continuing the status quo on the school board - a profound disservice to city schoolchildren.
Forget that state aid formulas have cheated city schoolchildren for decades, while favoring the wealthy suburbs.
"We were sick and tired," said Shirley A. West, a parent of three city schoolchildren.
Whatever narrower concerns have brought the board to this point, its most important responsibility is to a million city schoolchildren.
In recent years Albany has worked toward achieving parity, but city schoolchildren remain shortchanged.
That he has done, with innovative educational programs and strong links both to city schoolchildren and their teachers.
The new scores show that city schoolchildren are now performing significantly below the national average in reading and about average in math.