However, when the division point of the railroad was moved west, the city shrank to a mere 101 residents.
Now the castle was in ruins and the city had shrunk to a fair-sized market town.
In the 18th century, it was the only European country whose cities and population shrank.
The city, therefore, shrank its area from 200 to 135 hectares (494 to 334 acres).
The mayor has said recently that the city has shrunk next year's deficit by more than half, to about $3 billion.
In many municipal agencies, the city has shrunk its regular work force and increased the number of workfare participants.
Following the war, the state experienced significant suburbanization, and most cities shrank.
But his city just may be shrinking.
In the same period, the city shrank to 334,000 residents, from 520,000, leaving it with roughly the same population as a century ago.
Vital cities don't shrink from the art of being disturbed.