An additional building on the outskirts of the city stores the deposits.
This is scheduled to be completed in 2007, becoming the location of a large city store, and doubling as the company headquarters.
Prices are usually lower than those in city stores, and so even retailers stock up at fairs.
Another interesting aspect of the Avatar economy is the city store.
She finally left him to his work while she went to the city store to wait in line to buy bread.
I walked in and out of the city stores today, and everybody was asking: 'When is he going to pitch again?
He calculated that 40,000 soldiers in addition to 75,000 inhabitants would soon consume the city stores.
Then as now there was only one business in Placerville, the city store.
Focus was given to revamping older inner city stores or relocating them.
Defeated enemies in these areas also contain items such as weapons and armor, which characters can sell to city stores.