The city withheld the parade permit from the Hibernians because it doesn't like the group's politics of exclusion.
The analysts recommended that the city withhold 15 percent of its November payment until the hospital corrected the problems.
"I've asked the state and the city to withhold licensing, pending a full environmental impact study."
They added that they would not increase the payments while the city was withholding the permits.
But the city can withhold intra-agency advice from the records, he wrote.
The city has withheld the museum's October check of $497,554.
The city withheld 46 pages of the 453-page document because of what officials described as security concerns.
If a landlord does not comply, the city can withhold rent, and its clients cannot be legally evicted.
But, he said, under the lease, the city could not unreasonably withhold approval of the deal.
When the museum resisted, the city withheld its funding and filed a suit for ejectment.