The Daphne Civic Center is a city-owned facility used to host a variety of recurring special events in the community.
The city-owned facility, which opened in 1992, features an 2,751 seat arena and 500-person banquet hall.
As the city-owned facility expanded, in 1941 construction was underway to pave and extend the airport's three runways.
That is why the $189.4 million city-owned facility also includes a youth park, restaurants, a Hall of Fame, a learning center and amphitheater.
It produces 8.5 megawatts and is the largest city-owned hydroelectric facility in the state.
Mountains, parks, or beaches: There may even be an on-site city-owned facility that has rooms to rent for weddings.
It is a city-owned facility and is located on 324 North Coulson Street.
Erdoğan prohibited the sale of alcohol in city-owned facilities, but later this measure was reversed.
Alternatively, the city could use financial incentives to encourage private haulers to use the city-owned facility.
While GGP was left homeless, the situation lead to the conversion of another city-owned facility - one with a rather odd history.