The city-wide average at the time was 2.2 percent.
The median family income is $23,379, which 75% of the city-wide average.
In addition, 6.4% of residents are Asian, slightly higher than the city-wide average.
The median family income is $19,046, well below the city-wide average of $32,058.
There are 6,504 people per square mile, more than double the city-wide average of 2,610.
Median family income rates are well below the city-wide average.
Median household income was $47,764, above the city-wide average of $26,867.
The median family income is $36,966, above the city-wide average of $32,058.
The unemployment rate for Hartford was 9.4% compared to city-wide average of 9.2%.
The median family income is $42,558, over $10,000 above the city-wide average.