David Guthartz, founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ferrets, called a radio show Giuliani was hosting to complain about the citywide ban.
In January, the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company opened the Marshall McGearty Tobacco Lounge in Chicago, just as a citywide ban on smoking took effect.
But then the mayor made the new rule," he said, referring to the citywide ban on smoking that went into effect last year.
But what about the citywide ban on smoking?
By GTA III, a citywide ban on the vehicle is imposed, explaining the absence of motorcycles in the game.
Boston instituted a citywide ban against smoking in bars and restaurants this month, following New York City in April; New York's statewide ban goes into effect this summer.
Why not enact a citywide ban on dogs, student housing, and parties at home involving more than 4 people?
Aside from the lack of cigarette smoke, which still seems odd even three years after the citywide ban in bars, it's an average evening for a music fan.
The market was established in 1856 by Charleston sheriff Thomas Ryan after a citywide ban on public slave auctions made private markets necessary.
And some 8 to 20 homeowners in Solon have ignored a citywide ban on outdoor fireplaces, said the planning commission chairman, Bill Maser.