That leaves little time for citywide organizations, no matter how meritorious, Dr. Polk explained.
MUTA was the first citywide organization of journeymen in America.
This month, 651 is one of 13 organizations citywide that are participating in a salute to the documentary "I'll Make Me a World."
In the year that followed, cultural organizations citywide struggled to cope with a steep decline in ticket sales and contributions.
After the series, the newspaper's editor and its publisher decided the paper would provide seed money for a citywide organization to foster racial dialogue.
A procurement process that is related to quality would enable citywide and local organizations to compete, and many of the local groups would be winners.
The committee later joined forces with other New York tenants' groups to form the Metropolitan Council, a citywide organization.
One of the segments will feature Transportation Alternatives, a citywide organization that promotes bicycle transportation.
He is founder and president of the Korean-American Small Business Service Center, a citywide organization representing nearly 10,000 businesses.
These "supergangs" have become citywide criminal entrepreneurial organizations involved in drug dealing, extortion and contract violence.