Some of that work is accomplished through Community Assisted Tenant Controlled Housing, a citywide project that trains tenants to become the landlords of buildings they have renovated.
The bulk of the money will be used on citywide projects like park improvements and traffic lights.
In 1988 Mayor of Los Angeles Tom Bradley commissioned her to create the Neighborhood Pride Program, a citywide project to paint murals.
The authority also needs to show that this year's increases were caused by a building boom that forced up costs on public and private projects citywide.
CHA produced a plan of citywide projects, which was rejected by some of the Chicago City Council's white aldermen who opposed public housing in their wards.
The borough chiefs want to give the centralized City Planning Commission initial authority over citywide projects while giving borough planners power over projects deemed local to boroughs.
Competing interests would argue over labeling a project local or citywide.
Is a jail in Brooklyn a borough or a citywide project?
The community of Belém Novo is benefiting from a municipal, citywide project to recover the Guaíba Lake and its margins.
Thus, local needs in each of the 59 communities are repeatedly neglected for the good of citywide projects.