This year, it was among the highest in the city - 32.4 percent, compared with the citywide rate, 29 percent.
The citywide rate is 55 percent in New York City.
The average citywide rate of refusal is below 5 percent.
A year ago, an outside study found that such programs had minimal impact and that participating students dropped out at twice the citywide rate.
After two years in the program, 50.7 percent of the students had dropped out, twice the citywide rate.
That is 94.5 deaths per 100,000 population, almost double the citywide rate of 52.9.
The borough figure is 10.7 percent and the citywide rate is 7.5.
The citywide rate for Houston is 57%.
In 1970, the citywide rate was 21.6.
He said the citywide rate was less than 10 percent.