Sandavagur takes turns in hosting a civic festival called Vestanstevna which takes place annually at the beginning of July.
An effort was made to replace the Catholic Church altogether, with civic festivals replacing religious ones.
Nólsoy has an annual civic festival called Ovastevna, held at the beginning of August.
"It should have been a civic festival," acknowledged Carlos Lopez Giron, the party's senior official in the department.
The Portland Rose Festival is an annual civic festival held during the month of June.
Carillon concerts are played following Sunday services, at times of religious and civic festivals, and other times as announced.
He presided in 1976 over such civic festivals as the Bicentennial and the Democratic convention.
But some civic festivals are more creative with this humble all-American fruit.
An annual civic festival is held which is very popular.
The name came from an annual civic festival, which celebrated the changing colors of the aspen (birch) trees.