The mechanism of creating charter trustees to preserve civic traditions was again used.
Its civic traditions are maintained by Charter Trustees.
Beginning in 2002 as a catch-as-catch-can improvisation, this one-night event has become something of a civic tradition.
He was, instead, part of the great civic tradition condensed in the old motto "Every man his own physician."
But the civic tradition embodied by Central Park is only partly reflected in its design.
"And you never know if Israeli society has enough civic tradition to endure it."
In the long run, there needs to be a strong civic education program to teach new immigrants how the government works and about our civic tradition.
Not only would this have ended a venerable civic tradition, it would have cost Macy's handsomely.
However, the civic traditions of many boroughs were continued by the grant of a charter to their successor district councils.
It's a beloved civic tradition, a provincial delight, predictable and unpredictable, and just what is needed at the precise moment of its arrival.