(105) A more specific definition of "sexual relations" had also been used at the civil deposition.
In a civil deposition, he gave narrow answers to ambiguous questions.
That begs the question, What kind of oath did the President take in the civil deposition?
(190) He acknowledged giving her gifts on December 28, 1997, (191) just three weeks before the civil deposition.
The President's motive to lie in his civil deposition on this point is evident.
The President's motive to lie in his civil deposition on the subpoena issue is evident.
But in a civil deposition last July, he provided some unusual insights into fashion marketing.
Who says lying under oath is not a serious crime if exercised in a civil deposition?
The President's motive for making false and misleading statements about this subject in his civil deposition was straightforward.
It also demonstrates with clarity that the President lied under oath both in his civil deposition and to the federal grand jury.