However, civil records and 19th century British astronomical magazines consistently spell his name with two "L"s.
It does not include civil records for matters like tax evasion or failure to pay child support, they noted.
The civil records are always only as accurate as the individuals who provided or wrote the information.
The civil records for Meana list 80 births in 1902, eight years later only 37 were born.
In their effort to spur access to civil records, national registration institutions have been continually come up with practices that are delivering positive results.
Other issues on the agenda during the first round of dialogue were telecommunications, air traffic, customs seals, land books and civil records.
Marriage was secularized in 1945, and civil records were removed from the clergy's jurisdiction in 1949.
The ecclesiastic and civil records show that the response to legislation was as varied as the problems of the people responding to them.
The Center has also published many titles on Louisiana genealogy and civil records.
He would maintain all the civil records as well.