The game has both military and civilian aspects.
Attention instantly shifted from the civilian aspect of the voyage to the military.
"It's always the hard-liners here who strengthen each other," said Michael Steiner, a German diplomat helping to oversee civilian aspects of the Dayton peace plan.
Carl Bildt, the senior foreign official responsible for carrying out the civilian aspects of the Bosnian peace agreement, said the boycott was a great disappointment.
But the United Nations, overseeing the civilian aspects of the Dayton agreement, is understaffed.
Although the military mission has gone well, Mr. Perry said, much remains to be done on the civilian aspects of the peace, such as the return of refugees.
If we only focus on the civilian aspects of crisis management, we are cheating ourselves.
It is a very important concept of symbiosis between political, civilian and security aspects of our lives.
But the Commission's legal powers have been limited to civilian aspects of nuclear accounting and control under the Euratom Treaty.
NATO has rightly resisted being drawn too deeply into civilian aspects of the peace agreements.