And his military and civilian bureaucrats went through their daily routines until the very end.
Three- and four-star admirals, whose pay is linked to civilian bureaucrats' and ultimately to that of members of Congress, are paid $75,487.20 a year.
He didn't seem like the quiet, contrite civilian bureaucrat anymore.
He could just see a group of civilian bureaucrats deciding who was to be recalled and who was not on the basis of evaluation reports.
Another interview with another civilian bureaucrat concerning the Iretan plague.
This had a chilling effect on all civilian bureaucrats in the Japanese government.
Their article noted particularly that "resistance campaigns that compel loyalty shifts among security forces and civilian bureaucrats are likely to succeed."
"But looked at from the perspective of equity, retired civilian bureaucrats already have similar coverage as this new plan."
This was proof that he was a civilian bureaucrat, Clark told himself in the lead car.
The Secretary General is the top civilian bureaucrat in the department.