It was precisely the wrong target; women, children and civilian demonstrators are not the enemies in Mogadishu.
On 15 May, rebels opened fire on a political demonstration near Yarmouk, Damascus, injuring five civilian demonstrators.
A Map A peaceful amphitheatre commemorates the civilian demonstrators who were killed by the military during a pro-democracy rally on 14 October 1973.
Four people were killed and up to 50 wounded, most of them civilian demonstrators suffering from gunshot wounds, doctors at the provincial hospital said.
Military coups in 1971 and 1980, and chronic massacres of civilian demonstrators throughout the 1970s, were all led by Counter-Guerrilla/Grey Wolves elements.
Indian troops opened fire today on a group of civilian demonstrators who crossed from Pakistan into Indian-occupied territory in Kashmir, Government-controlled television said tonight.
A large portion of their materials are from military veterans, but the archive also contains collections donated by researchers and civilian anti-war demonstrators.
On Monday and Tuesday, however, the government's forces in the capital disintegrated as soldiers in the garrison ignored orders and streamed from the barracks to fraternize with civilian demonstrators.
It is inadmissible that those who shoot civilian demonstrators be called heroes of the nation and promised an amnesty.
Turkish human rights groups have charged the security forces with gunning down scores of civilian demonstrators at a major Kurdish festival in southeastern Turkey on March 21.