Heavy fighting lasted until April 9, 2004, when, again under enormous public pressure, the offensive was called off because of great civilian losses.
But they worry that a new round of bombing could cause heavy civilian losses.
It was the first time a senior Government official had spoken of such high civilian losses.
Only the military losses and civilian losses directly associated with hostilities are included into the article.
They maintain that extraordinary efforts have been taken to minimize civilian losses.
Estimates for Japanese civilian losses range from 500,000, to 1,000,000 dead.
Includes civilian losses due to war (220,000) and Soviet occupation in 1940-41 (7,000).
Includes civilian losses due to war (345,000) and Soviet occupation in 1940-41 (8,000).
Few additional civilian losses were expected, and diplomatic tension had been falling off for hours.
In most detailed estimates roughly two-thirds of the estimated deaths were civilian losses.