"One could say he laid the foundation for civilian supremacy."
Encouraged by street rallies against corruption, judges continued last month to make more assertions of civilian supremacy.
And the coup that ousted him may turn out to have been the country's last, as the politically active military grows to accept civilian supremacy.
By voluntarily stepping down and disbanding his army when the war was won, he permanently established the principle of civilian supremacy in military affairs.
The Maoists have been to this date demanding civilian supremacy over the army.
In the American military tradition he had been schooled never to usurp civilian supremacy.
The difficulties range from possible criminal charges against senior officers to assuring that the new forces accept the principle of civilian supremacy.
But the principle of civilian supremacy over the United States military has never been seriously challenged.
Maintain civilian supremacy over the military at all times.
They say they fear that any increase in reliance on the armed forces would erode the principle of civilian supremacy.