The release of methyl isocyanate, used to make pesticides, claimed an estimated 200,000 injuries along with the deaths.
Was she safe, or had the unknown calamity already claimed her life, along with the lives of perhaps many others?
The city of Arpinum claims him, along with Cicero.
Gebrselassie, the diminutive and congenial Ethiopian, quickly claimed it for himself, along with the world mark in the 10,000.
And when it comes to its premature and violent end, it will claim us along with it.
Portuguese rulers of the colony then claimed the ship along with all its contents, including the palace.
The women claimed two along with the lightweight men, who set themselves up for a clean run-in to London.
St John Fisher College claimed the tennis title in 2011, along with the girls netball.
The hijackers were usually not prosecuted there, but could claim for political asylum, along with all other passengers who wished to do so.
Fearful executives complain that the management purges conducted by workers through union pressure and threats of strikes are claiming good managers along with the bad.